Danny Williams Ministries
Danny Williams Ministries
You're Too Near The Crown To Lay The Old Cross Down
You're Too Near The Crown To Lay The Old Cross Down
Welcome to our Ministry page. The purpose of this page is to share the exciting things that God is doing as we are on the road.
July 2018
God said in the last days He would pour out the former and the latter rain together, and we have experienced a taste of just that on this last trip!!! We preached in nine states, 16 cities, and drove over 5,000 miles in 16 weeks!!
We have seen over 85 people come to the Lord since the beginning of the year! We have witnessed an outbreak of old time, Holy Ghost revival in every meeting across the United States! People have said they haven’t been in services like this and felt the power of God that strong in over 20 years! God has always been moving, He has not stopped, it is us that has stopped moving with Him!! Hebrews 13:8 says, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
We were privileged to hold revival at the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation at the Assembly of God mission church in New Mexico on our journey! We saw at least 25 saved, people set free from alcohol addictions, healings both physically and spiritually!! We watched people as they left a place of anger, bitterness, discontentment and heaviness and entered in to a place of restoration, healing and refreshing in the Lord!!
This has been an amazing and very successful trip in the Lord!! We are honored and privileged to be a part of His work to further the Kingdom of God!
We had a few issues with the motor home along the way. We had to replace the alternator before we left home in Feb. Danny is becoming quite the diesel mechanic. The age of the RV (almost 17yrs) makes it quite the challenge to find the right parts. He went through 4 alternators before finding the right one! When we were leaving OK headed to CO we realized we had a major power steering leak. We had to stop and put fluid in it several times but we made it!! From there we went to Price, UT still leaking fluid and a couple brothers from the church helped us work on it. We thought we had it fixed until we left to go back to CO and saw that the fluid was still pouring out. We barely made it in to a Walmart in Grand Junction, CO where we could buy more fluid and refill. We prayed and asked God to help us. We put at least a gallon of stop leak and power steering fluid combined in. As Danny was filling and rechecking, he would ask me, “How bad is it leaking?” As I looked, to our amazement, it wasn’t leaking at all! We went to New Mexico and held revival, no leak! After NM we had to travel over 1,300 miles to get to New Castle, IN in 2 days. There was still no leak! It went from pouring out to barely a drip every now and then. We arrived in IN set up our equipment, set up the motorhome and started revival that night. A few days later we had to move sights in the campground we were staying in. When we started the Motorhome, power steering fluid began to pour out again! We had just a few days before we needed to leave for TN. Danny began to make calls and God directed him to a gentleman in Indianapolis that said if he could pull the gear box off and get it to him, he would rebuild it the same day. God brought in the finances through one of His obedient servants and a good pastor friend of ours ,Br. Paul Lawson, helped Danny pull the gear box off. We were able to have it rebuilt and they put it back on that night. We left for TN the next day. The miracle is this, the one who rebuilt it showed Danny what the seals should look like and what ours looked like. There were parts of the seals that were completely gone! He asked the mechanic to explain how we drove all those miles and made it, he said we should not have made it in that condition, but we serve a God that is faithful and got us to IN where He knew we could get help!! Praise the Lord for looking after us and all of our precious friends who helped us along the way! We serve a mighty, BIG God!!
We are in need of new tires and a few other repairs for the RV if you could keep this in prayer with us. This is a big expense but God is able!
Thank you for all your prayers and financial support! You each have a part of every soul saved and life changed for the Kingdom of God!! We will be leaving again in just a few short weeks. We are expecting GREAT things!
May God Bless you,
The Williams Family